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B&B Journal

This collection of journal entries encapsulates the Bundle & Beau lifestyle, sharing our thoughts on UK travel, self-care, slow living, gifting, and wellness.

maid of honour proposal
Gift Guide
How to Create the Perfect Maid of Honour Proposal Gift
In this journal article, we share our favourite items to include in a maid of honour proposal box that we know she’ll love.
Interview with London Letters
B&B chat to Jennifer, Founder of London Letters
In this wonderful conversation, we delve into the art of letter writing and the benefits of having a pen pal you've never met. We explore Jennifer’s favourite stationery sets, starting...
Astrology Gift Guide: Gemini Season
Astrology Gift Guide
Astrology Gift Guide: Gemini Season
It’s officially Gemini season! As we celebrate this lively and dynamic star sign, it's the perfect time to explore what makes Geminis so unique and how to find the ideal...
B&B chat to Beth, Founder of Slow Living LDN
B&B chat to Beth, Founder of Slow Living LDN
Down the magical rabbit hole that is the slow living movement, I came across Beth’s beautiful content. I fell in love with her calming social media presence and insightful journal...
Astrology Gift Guide: Aries Season
Astrology Gift Guide
Astrology Gift Guide: Aries Season
In this month’s star-sign gift guide, we share our top picks when building your own gift bundle for the Aries in your life.
The Mother’s Day Gift Guide
Gift Guide
The Mother’s Day Gift Guide
As Mother’s Day approaches, it’s time to express our gratitude and love for the amazing mother figures in our lives. However, finding the perfect gift that resonates with your mum's...
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